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Avidity for ESP32

A webinar designed to enrich your knowledge of ESP32 and vastly increase your understanding. It comes with a distinct method to make sure you grab everything you hear.

7 May , 2021

2:30 PM

Rules and Regulations

1. Time limit for the event is 3 hours.
• 1 hour introductory webinar on ESP32
Round 1-
• Quiz based on content learnt in webinar.
Slot 2
• 1 hour project presentation
Round 2 • 30-minute quiz
2. Quizzes will have specific time slot.
3. Link for joining Google meet for each webunar will be provided to you by WhatsApp.
4. Winner will be decided on the basis of marks scored in each quiz.
6. After closing time of google form, no response will be submitted.
7. Decision of judges won't be challenged.

Event's Details

Members per Team 1
No. of Rounds 2

Organiser's Details

Phone number (Event Coordinators) 1. 7909079402
2. 9572647142
3. 8437072767
4. 9779015329